The U.S. Food Industry Critique Posters

16" x 20" Foam Board

Obesity and food waste are issues related to the U.S. food industry's business ethos, precisely because it stems from it; even global warming is accelerated by it.

In these poster series, I wanted to address and spread the awareness about the problematic U.S. food industry.The series was inspired by the looks of documentary posters. I was moved by the film Food Inc., how it depicted factory farming. The way cows have become products, processed on belt-conveyor style production, sold at grotesque mass scale while producing grotesque scale of waste, all justified by profit, disgusted me but at the same time gave me energy to protest it.

これらのポスターシリーズでは、米国の食品産業についての問題認識を広めるべく制作したものです。工業型畜産の醜い現状を描いた映画「Food Inc.」に感銘を受け、ドキュメンタリー風のポスターをデザインしました。

Thank you❤️